\n"; require_once('/home/pwolf/public_html/inc/header.php'); require_once('/home/pwolf/public_html/inc/baskettimer.php'); #print_arr($_SESSION); $allsizes = array(2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24); $query = 'select `id`, `group_fk`, `pname`, `size`, `sort`, `wname`, `wnameabbr`, `ppdozen` from `zsf_wholesaleview` order by `sort` asc, `pname` asc'; $res = mysql_query($query, $conn); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { extract($row); $cid = $group_fk; $cname = $wname; $products[$cid][$id] = $pname; $sizes[$id] = explode(',', $size); $categories[$cid] = array('cname' => $cname, 'ppdozen' => $ppdozen); } $query = 'select `pid`, `psize`, `qdoz` from `zsf_who_pending` where `phpsessid` = \'' . $sess . '\''; $res = mysql_query($query, $conn); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { extract($row); $fid = 'i-' . $pid . '-' . $psize; $basket[$fid] = $qdoz; } ?> StreamFlies Wholesale Order

StreamFlies.com wholesale order page

How it works:

Scroll through the wholesale order page, fill in the blanks with the number (in dozens) that you desire for each pattern/size, then click “add to basket.” When you have finished building your complete order, review the items in your basket to make sure all is correct and click “Buy Now.”

*For very large orders you may notice the quantity field has turned red. If this happens, you have reached the 99 line item limit for this order form. Simply place the order the way it is, and start a new order picking up where you left off. The orders will be shipped together.

StreamFlies.com home page

$iarray) { $sizerow = ''; foreach ($allsizes as $hdsize) { $sizerow .= ''; } $sizerow .= '' . "\n" . ''; # for ($i = 0; $i < (count($allsizes) - 4); $i++) # { # $sizerow .= ''; # } # $sizerow .= ''; $srend .= '' . "\n"; if ($catid <> $catorg) { echo $sizerow . $hname++ . $srend; $catorg = $catid; $i = 0; } foreach($iarray as $id => $item) { if ($i == 20) { echo $sizerow . $hname++ . $srend; $i = 0; } echo ''; foreach($allsizes as $hdsize) { if (in_array($hdsize, $sizes[$id])) { $bgc = '#cfc'; $thisid = 'i-' . $id . '-' . $hdsize; $fill = ''; } else { $bgc = '#ccc'; // $fill = "$id|$catid|$hdsize|" . $categories[$catid]['ppdozen']; $fill = ''; } echo ''; } echo '' . "\n"; ++$i; } } // '; // name="i|466|Accessories|Fish Pimp Fly Sauce Fly Floatant|1|$4.50|10" ?>
' . 'Size' . $hdsize . '
' . $categories[$catid]['cname'] . ' $' . number_format($categories[$catid]['ppdozen'], 2) . '/doz. 
'. htmlentities($item) . ' ' . $fill . '